
What is Grounding?

You may be familiar with the electrical concept of grounding (“Electrical grounding is a backup pathway that provides an alternating route for the current to flow back to the ground if there is a fault in the wiring system. It facilitates a physical connection between the ground and the electrical equipment and appliances in your home”). Essentially, you're providing an escape route for any excess charge. This provides direction for electricity, prevents shocks, mitigates damage to electrical appliances, and results in stable voltage levels.

What you may not be familiar with is the physiological concept of grounding.  


This stems into the field of electronic biology. The study of electronic influence on the body has been around for some time now, but rarely is it ever mentioned. This is because it is still poorly misunderstood and underfunded despite its immense ant-inflammatory, anti-coagulate, restorative effects that have been demonstrated in research and proclaimed by many who's lives have been changed by it.

How do electrons influence you body? All life has a charge. Every cell in your body operates on this principle. All life operates at a specific frequency. It’s what allows ions to flow in and out of cells. It’s what allows your brain to send signals to the rest of your body. It’s what allows your heart to beat and your limbs to move. This is a bio-electric field that can be influenced by other electromagnetic fields. We know these frequencies exist. We measure them. EEG's, EMG's, EKG's - these are all bio-electric instruments.

Over the course of your life you’ve separated yourself from the earth and its electrical properties. What you’ve essentially done is altered the natural electrical state of your body. The earth is a massive reservoir of negatively-charged free electrons at its surface. Humans have evolved to be in constant contact with these freely-flowing electrons. With the invention of rubber soles, buildings, and other insulators, we’ve lost our connection to the earth - much to our detriment. Your body is hardwired for receiving the earth’s current. That little piece of insulation between you and the ground could be causing you more ailment than you think!

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) or free radicals are a normal byproduct of the body's metabolic processes. They're not bad - they're vital to the immune system. Too much, however, can be a really bad thing. Acutely, free radicals are great at getting rid of the bad stuff at a site of injury or damage. Chronic free radical presence is when things get tricky. A free radical or reactive oxygen species is created when the body attempts to heal itself and when oxygen in the body splits into single atoms with unpaired electrons. This causes them to become unstable. Electrons like to be in pairs, so they seek out other electrons in the body in an effort to stabilize themselves, essentially stealing them. When electrons are stolen from other molecules it causes them to also become unstable and electron-deficient (free radical). This process goes on to repeat itself in a domino effect, damaging cells in its wake. Keep in mind that this electron theft alters the natural electrical state of your cells. When you take away an electron you're also taking away its negative properties. 


This domino effect causes an increase in free radical presence. The body counteracts this by producing its own antioxidants (you can also consume them in certain foods.) When the antioxidants are overwhelmed by free radical presence it leads to oxidative stress. Free radical presence leads to oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. Oxidative stress is linked to cardiovascular disease, immuno-depressive disease, neuro-degenerative disease, musculoskeletal disorders, and even aging! All things plaguing modern society. 


Disease, when broken down into the metabolic level, is inflammation - metabolic disease. Broken down even further, an electron deficiency - too much excess charge and the body’s inability to neutralize itself. Meaning that electrons have a negative charge, and the body’s buildup of positive charge results in a cellular, bio-electrical imbalance. This electrical imbalance wreaks havoc on all of the body’s systems.

How do we fix this?

By restoring our bodies to their natural electrical state via electron transfer from the earth - By syncing the electrical potential of our body with the earth. It is nature's most effective antioxidant. Because our body is constantly shielded and insulated from the ground's electrical properties it isn't able to bio-electrically correct and rid itself of its unnatural electrical state that comes from an electron deficiency. In the words of pioneer Clint Ober, think of yourself as a light bulb. As an analogy, a light bulb with a loose connection flickers or may not light up at all. People go their whole lives with flickering health.


Does it work?

I believe so, and so do countless others who's lives have been changed by living a more grounded lifestyle. Its affects are so significant that it's important to consult your physician before diving headfirst, especially if you're taking medications or living with a disorder. The anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory effects may require you to adjust dosages. Consult with your physician if this is something you are interested in. 

How do I do it?

It all begins with touching the earth, or being in contact with a conductive surface that’s in contact with the earth. Dirt, sand, grass, rock, and concrete. The easiest way, and the way I recommend, is by being barefoot in grass or dirt. Or going for a swim in the ocean, a river, or a lake. There a many ways to do it, but the simplest way is to go outside and take your shoes off.

Click HERE for a shareable, downloadable Benefits of Grounding Infographic in PDF format!

Click HERE for a shareable, downloadable Benefits of Grounding Infographic in PNG format!

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Follow @thegroundedathlete on Instagram or check out some videos on YouTube by searching “The Grounded Athlete.”

Or if you have any question about grounding or GAIA Grounding Sandals feel free to send an email!